I just talked to a very dear friend of mine, about how belief is a psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise (argument) to be true without necessarily being able to adequately prove its main contention to other people who may or may not agree. The interesting thing about this talk was that we both agreed on that a belief in itself, is for the person who beliefs in whatever he or she might believe in, is a guiding principle, a dictum, a matter of faith or one can even call it passion that can provide meaning and direction in life. A belief is a prearranged filter to our perceptions of the world. For instance, those who believe that the Sun is a god will report that they know that the Sun is a god.
Beliefs are very power full for the person that believes in something. One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only an interest. We could say a lot about the negative affects about fanatic beliefs, which I however don’t want to concentrate on in this article. I rather want to concentrate on what one can do with his or hers believe system. For beliefs, are the compass and maps that guide us to our goals, and give us surety that we know that we will get there.
Why really work on beliefs? If you really want to change our behavior, don’t start changing what you do. Start changing why you do it and the rest will follow. This is why we need to start with our own beliefs. Belief becomes reality (placebo experiments) – for example medical drugs are not always necessary, belief in recovery always is. Belief is nothing but a state, an IR that governs behavior. Change your belief, and change your IR, which will change your behavior. Belief is a choice.
Sources of Belief
1. Environment – Success breeds success, failure breeds failure. Generally no part of belief values.
2. Events, small or large can help foster beliefs.
3. Foster belief through knowledge
4. Belief based on our past results. If someone succeeds once or twice, they will succeed in the future.
5. Creating in your mind the experience you desire in the future as if it were now. (Goal setting)
You can control your beliefs, you can control the way you model yourself as well as others. You can consciously direct your life, you can change:
• Beliefs that have limited you and that keep you away from your true potential
• Beliefs that can serve to help you achieve your highest goals
If you do not like what you do - you can change..... how? Change your beliefs. Important is to change your limiting belief, which are the beliefs that inhibits exploration of a wider cognitive space than would otherwise be the case. Examples of limiting beliefs are seen both in animals and people. These may be strongly held beliefs, or held unconsciously, and are often tied in with self-image or perceptions about the world. Everyday examples of limiting beliefs:
• That one has specific capabilities, roles, or traits which cannot be escaped or changed.
• That one cannot succeed so there is no point committing to trying.
• That a particular opinion is right; therefore, there is no point considering other viewpoints.
• That a particular action or result is the only way to resolve a problem.
The key is to take your beliefs, and ensure that they are working for you in a way to achieve your goals and objectives, ie that they are enlightening, uplifting, effective and empowering.
If you believe, nothing can stop you ....... you will keep coming back until you succeed! If one changes ones beliefs and IR’s to +ve, one can achieve huge results. There is no power like the power of a positive resourceful state, for the kind of behavior people produce is the result of the state they are in (which is based and motivated by their belief system). How they respond to the state they are in is based on their models of the world (the reality within they operate). Most people take little conscious effort to direct their beliefs about themselves or about others. This is why I wrote in the start that when people try to change something, they should not change what they do, they should start changing their beliefs, for it is those that ether will imprisons them or enable them and maybe even set them free. So when people want to change – belief changes is what they should be after. They want to be in a +ve belief state. Believe me when I tell you that happy and successful people know how to tap into their resourceful “belief states”. You could do this as well, for you can control the state you are in. You do not have to be at the mercy of whatever comes your way. This is why it says in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament: “Nothing can be kept back to him who beliefs”.
Just remember that the key, is the ability to control, direct and manage your beliefs (yourself).
Good luck on working on your beliefs and remember, watch your state of mind, keep it positive, clean and true to yourself at any time.
Mark von Rosing