Friday 1 March 2013


This is not my own creation or research, I receive this in an email (from a good friend), so I can't guarantee the facts in it, however I found it to be an inspiring thought, for what we already know...........and should start doing:


1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'

Because :
Evening at 9 - 11 PM : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes) This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an un-relaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.

Evening at 11pm - 1 am: is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 1 - 3 am: detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5 am: detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am: detoxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9 am: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30 am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10 am rather than no meal at all.

Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.

Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.



Sunday 5 April 2009

Law of Attraction - new thinking or not, it works

In this article I would like to take up the subject of attraction. While In general, an attraction draws one object towards another one. The term may have a lot of different meanings for different persons:

·         If you are a scientist you might have a physics view, where attraction may refer to gravity or to the electromagnetic force.

·         If you are a psychologist you might have a more personal or emotional view, where Interpersonal attraction means the attraction between people which leads to friendships and romantic relationships.

·         If you look at it from a new age view, it is believed that the Law of Attraction (in metaphysics) that a mental disposition will attract equivalent external circumstances and events.

It is the latter definition I would like to take a deeper look at. So why is it or could it be important? And why is it called New Age view?


The phrase Law of Attraction, although used widely by New Thought writers, has a variety of definitions. Turn-of-the-century references conceptualized the law of attraction as relating to physical structure and to how matter develops. A more modern consensus among New Thought thinkers is that the Law of Attraction says people's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, whether or not they're aware of it. Essentially "if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it", but putting a lot of attention and thought onto something you don't want means you'll probably get that too.


The Law of Attraction claims to have roots in Quantum Physics. According to proponents of this law, thoughts have an energy which attracts whatever it is the person is thinking of.[2] In order to control this energy to one's advantage, proponents state that people must practice four things:

1.       Know exactly what you want.

2.       Ask the universe for it.

3.       Feel, behave and know as if the object of your desire is on its way.

4.       Be open to receive it and let go of (the attachment to) the outcome.


Thinking of what one does not have, they say, manifests itself in not having, while if one abides by these principles, and avoids "negative" thoughts, the universe will manifest a person's desires. Thereby does the Law of Attraction simply say that you attract into your life whatever you think about.  Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.  But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers.  I would say, however, that these problems aren’t caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality.


Here are some of those problematic questions (all are generalizations of ones I received via email):

What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?

Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions?

If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way?

If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen?


These questions seem to weaken the plausibility of the Law of Attraction.  Sometimes people answer them by going pretty far out.  For example, it’s been said by LoAers that a young child experiences abuse because s/he intended it or earned it during a past life.  Well, sure… we can explain just about anything if we bring past lives into the equation, but IMO that’s a cop-out.  On the other hand, objective reality without the Law of Attraction doesn’t provide satisfactory answers either — supposedly some kids are just born unlucky.  That’s a cop-out too.


I’ve never been satisfied by others’ answers to these questions, and they’re pretty important questions if the Law of Attraction is to be believed.  Some books hint at the solution but never really nail it.  That nail, however, can be found in the concept of subjective reality.


Subjective reality is a belief system in which (1) there is only one consciousness, (2) you are that singular consciousness, and (3) everything and everyone in your reality is a projection of your thoughts.


You may not see it yet, but subjective reality neatly answers all these tricky Law of Attraction questions.  Let me x’splain….


In subjective reality there’s only one consciousness, and it’s yours.  Consequently, there’s only one source of intentions in your universe — YOU.  While you may observe lots of walking, talking bodies in your reality, they all exist inside your consciousness.  You know this is how your dreams work, but you haven’t yet realized your waking reality is just another type of dream.  It only seems solid because you believe (intend) it is.


Since none of the other characters you encounter are conscious in a way that’s separate from you, nobody else can have intentions.  The only intentions are yours.  You’re the only thinker in this universe.


It’s important to correctly define the YOU in subjective reality.  YOU are not your physical body.  This is not the egoic you at all.  I’m not suggesting you’re a conscious body walking around in a world full of unconscious automatons.  That would be a total misunderstanding of subjective reality.  The correct viewpoint is that you’re the single consciousness in which this entire reality takes place.


Imagine you’re having a dream.  In that dream what exactly are YOU?  Are YOU the physical dream character you identify with?  No, of course not — that’s just your dream avatar.  YOU are the dreamer.  The entire dream occurs within your consciousness.  All dream characters are projections of your dream thoughts, including your avatar.  In fact, if you learn lucid dreaming, you can even switch avatars in your dream by possessing another character.  In a lucid dream, you can do anything you believe you can.


Physical reality works the same way.  This is a denser universe than what you experience in your sleeping dreams, so changes occur a bit more gradually here.  But this reality still conforms to your thoughts just like a sleeping dream.  YOU are the dreamer in which all of this is taking place.


The idea that other people have intentions is an illusion because other people are just projections.  Of course, if you strongly believe other people have intentions, then that’s the dream you’ll create for yourself.  But ultimately it’s still an illusion.


Here’s how subjective reality answers these challenging Law of Attraction questions:


What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?


Since you’re the only intender, this is entirely an internal conflict — within YOU.  You’re holding the thought (the intention) for both people to want the same position.  But you’re also thinking (intending) that only one can get it.  So you’re intending competition.  This whole situation is your creation.  You believe in competition, so that’s what you manifest.  Maybe you have some beliefs (thoughts and intentions) about who will get the promotion, in which case your expectations will manifest.  But you may have a higher order belief that life is random, unfair, uncertain, etc., so in that case you may manifest a surprise because that’s what you’re intending.


Being the only intender in your reality places a huge responsibility on your shoulders.  You can give up control of your reality by thinking (intending) randomness and uncertainty, but you can never give up responsibility.  You’re the sole creator in this universe.  If you think about war, poverty, disease, etc., that’s exactly what you’ll manifest.  If you think about peace, love, and joy, you’ll manifest that too.  Your reality is exactly what you think it is.  Whenever you think about anything, you summon its manifestation.


Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions?


No.  Your own body doesn’t even put out intentions — only your consciousness does.  You’re the only one who has intentions, so what takes precedence is what YOU intend for the children, babies, and animals in your reality.  Every thought is an intention, so however you think about the other beings in your reality is what you’ll eventually manifest for them.  Keep in mind that beliefs are hierarchical, so if you have a high order belief that reality is random and unpredictable and out of your control, then that intention will trump other intentions of which you’re less certain.  It’s your entire collection of thoughts that dictates how your reality manifests.


If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way?


No.  It means YOU intended it.  You intend child abuse to manifest simply by thinking about it.  The more you think about child abuse (or any other subject), the more you’ll see it expand in your reality.  Whatever you think about expands, and not just in the narrow space of your avatar but in all of physical reality.


If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen?


This is another example of intending conflict.  You’re projecting one intention for your avatar and one for your spouse, so the actual unified intention is that of conflict.  Hence the result you experience, subject to the influence of your higher order beliefs, will be to experience conflict with your spouse.  If your thoughts are conflicted, your reality is conflicted.


This is why assuming responsibility for your thoughts is so important.  If you want to see peace in the world, then intend peace for EVERYTHING in your reality.  If you want to see abundance in the world, then intend it for EVERYONE.  If you want to enjoy loving relationships, then intend loving relationships for ALL.  If you intend these only for your own avatar but not for others, then you’re intending conflict, division, and separation; consequently, that’s what you’ll experience.


If you stop thinking about something entirely, does that mean it disappears?  Yes, technically it does.  But in practice it’s next to impossible to uncreate what you’ve already manifested.  You’ll continue creating the same problems just by noticing them.  But when you assume 100% responsibility for everything you’re experiencing in your reality right now — absolutely everything — then you assume the power to alter your reality by rechanneling your thoughts.


This entire reality is your creation.  Feel good about that.  Feel grateful for the richness of your world.  And then begin creating the reality you truly want by making decisions and holding intentions.  Think about what you desire, and withdraw your thoughts from what you don’t want.  The most natural, easiest way to do this is to pay attention to your emotions.  Thinking about your desires feels good, and thinking about what you don’t want makes you feel bad.  When you notice yourself feeling bad, you’ve caught yourself thinking about something you don’t want.  Turn your focus back towards what you do want, and your emotional state will improve rapidly.  As you do this repeatedly, you’ll begin to see your physical reality shift too, first in subtle ways and then in bigger leaps.


I too am just a manifestation of your consciousness.  I play the role you expect me to play.  If you expect me to be a helpful guide, I will be.  If you expect me to be profound and insightful, I will be.  If you expect me to be confused or deluded, I will be.  But of course there’s no distinct ME that is separate from YOU.  I’m just one of your many creations after having received my input and you have then chosen where you categorize me.  I am what you intend me to be.  But deep down you already knew that, didn’t you? For who is the owner of your thoughts? You! Who makes your judgments and decisions? You! Who chooses to look at something positive or optimistic? You!


But with all of this new media coverage about how thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of your live, whether or not you are aware of it. I truly wonder how much new there is in this thinking? Isn’t that the foundation of nearly every faith/spiritual religion:

1.       Faith/Believe

2.       Ask and you shall receive

3.       Works should/will follow your faith

4.       Be open to receive


This thinking is therefore only new to none religious people and has been taught in different ways the last 130 years:

·         An "occult law of attraction", 1879

The New York Times was the first major newspaper to use the phrase "Law of Attraction." Their April 6, 1879 edition described the wagon trains of the Colorado gold rush as "moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction that overcomes all obstacles in their progress to their destination."

·         A physical "energy of attraction", 1902

As early as 1902, references to something similar to the law of attraction can be seen particularly in discussion of matter formation. John Ambrose Fleming an electrical engineer and turn of the century physicist described "every completed manifestation, of whatever kind and on whatever scale," as "an unquenchable energy of attraction" that causes objects to "steadily increase in power and definiteness of purpose, until the process of growth is completed and the matured form stands out as an accomplished fact."

·         The New Thought Movement, 1904 – 1907

Thomas Troward, who was a strong influence in the New Thought Movement, claimed that thought precedes physical form and that "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."

·         In 1906, William Walker Atkinson (1862 - 1932) used the phrase in his New Thought Movement book,Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. The following year, Elizabeth Towne, the editor of The Nautilus Magazine, a Journal of New Thought, published Bruce MacLelland's book Prosperity Through Thought Force, in which he summarized the principle, stating: "You are what you think, not what you think you are."

·         The "law of attraction" in Theosophy, 1915 - 1919

·         The phrase "Law of Attraction" appeared in the writings of the Theosophical authors William Quan Judge in 1915, and Annie Besant in 1919.

·         "Think and Grow Rich", 1937

In 1937, author Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich, which went on to become one of the best selling books of all time, selling over 60 million copies. In this book, He discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the "energy" that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. In the beginning of the book, Napoleon Hill mentions a "secret" to success, and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter of the book. It is never named directly for he says that discovering it on one's own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what the secret actually is, but there is a general conception that the secret he referred to is, in fact, the Law of Attraction.

·         Mid 1900s to 2000

By the mid 1900s, various authors addressed the topic and related ideas under a range of religious, occult, and secular terms, such as "positive thinking", "mental science", "pragmatic Christianity", "New Thought", "practical metaphysics", "Science of Mind" / "Religious Science", and "Divine Science".Among the mid 20th century authors who used the term were Florence Scovel Shinn (1925), Sri K. Parvathi Kumar, and Alice Bailey (1942). Author Louise Hay in 1976 released a pamphlet in which she links various diseases and disorders to certain thoughts and states of minds. This list was included in her 1984 best-seller book You Can Heal Your Life, in which she promotes positive thinking as a healing method.

·         Other proponents of the Law of Attraction included Wallace Wattles, Robert Collier, and Helena Blavatsky who all published books in the early 1900s.

·         The "law of attraction" in the 21st century

In 2006, a film entitled The Secret (2006 film) based on the "Law of Attraction" was released and then developed into a book of the same title in 2007. The movie and book gained widespread attention in the media from Saturday Night Live to The Oprah Winfrey Show in the United States.The same year the Hickses' The Law Of Attraction was on the New York Times best seller list.

·         Oprah Winfrey devoted two episodes of her show to discussing the film and the law of attraction.

·         Talk show host Larry King also discussed it on his show but criticized it for several reasons. He pointed at the sufferings in the world and asked: "If the Universe manifests abundance at a mere thought, why is there so much poverty, starvation, and death?" This is similar to a common criticism that the law of attraction only works because most of the anecdotes cited in books and movies are about people who live in a culture that has paths to allow people to overcome adversity, while this is not true for much of the world.

·         In August 2008, Esther and Jerry Hickses' book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.



I believe in the basics of this thinking and believe that it can help anybody.


Good luck in making it a part of you





Friday 3 April 2009

Important psychological factors in how to commit a person!!!

I ran across this interesting set of statistics on psychological factors in behavioral commitment and change from a study at Brigham Young University.


It shows the chances of a change being incorporated into one's decision and behaviour in various scenarios and thought this would be very interesting in different personal interactions with other persons. When we consider that everything in the end is about commitment and change.


When a person...


Says, "That's a good idea." 10% Commits

"I'll do it." 25%

Says when they'll do it (in terms of a time). 40%

Plans how to do it. 50%

Commits to someone else. 60%

Sets a specific future time to share progress or to follow up with person they committed to. 95%


That, by the way, is an excellent example of why the right commitment pattern is so important.


Personally, I believe this to be the area where the most people have difficulties in working and committing another person........





Saturday 8 November 2008

The true measure of a man/woman

“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.”


- Martin Luther King Jr.


Makes me think about the medical fact that a person react's up to 400% stronger when engaged emotional.........makes one think.


Do I react stronger and more emotional when I become hungry?


Am I going to be more aggressive when I feel attacked?

Do I act more emotional when I am stressed and under pressure?

Regards Mark

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Personal Growth and Development through strengthening your Character traits

I will try to summaries’ how one can personally grow through a Character Development Model. The Character Development Model is a prescriptive interpersonal growth development theory developed in 2006 by Cay Clemmensen and myself in a Interpersonal Development Coaching engagement we had in our company Rosen Team for a large Global Telecommunication Company.

Why work on your Interpersonal skills? Well, let’s face it........ all of us know that there are certain things we should or could do in a better way, but too often we don't know how - or don’t really get started on the change process we should be going through. So we all actually work against some barriers that somehow keep us from doing what is best for us - and from realizing and living our true potential.

The Character Development Model that we believe that could be useful for each one of us, could actually in a simplistic way be visualized as a scale, where integrity is the strong and solid base, and respect and responsibility are balanced on either side. A person with integrity is honest, trustworthy and authentic. They are also respectful of others and have a strong sense of personal responsibility. Relationship and respect is developed by the component qualities of Empathy, Emotional Mastery, Lack of Blame and Humility. Responsibility is developed by the component qualities of Accountability, Courage, Self Confidence and Focus on the whole (as a person with the abilities).

The 10 Social Competences of the Character Development Model that a each one of us should have:
1. Social Competence skill - Respect
2. Social Competence skill - Empathy
3. Lack of Blame
4. Emotional Intelligence skill - Humility
5. Emotional Intelligence skill - Emotional Mastery
6. Emotional Intelligence skill - Responsibility
7. Emotional Intelligence skill - Accountability
8. Emotional Intelligence skill - Self-Confidence
9. Emotional Intelligence skill - Courage
10. Social Competence skill - Focus on the whole

1. Respect
The person, that demonstrates Respect show’s unconditional high regard for others, acknowledging their value as human beings, regardless of their behavior (and isn't that what it is we wish from others). The respect comes through in all situations, even during times of conflict or criticism. Demonstrating respect for others requires developing and refining the following core personal qualities (not faking it).

2. Social Competence skill - Empathy
Treating everyone in the organization with empathy helps leaders earn trust. Leaders who are empathetic create strong bonds and are seen as less political. The person who demonstrates the core quality of empathy:
• Can understand others’ points of view, including the views of those who are different
• Shows genuine concern for others
• Listens with understanding
• Is respectful even when he or she has nothing to gain from the relationship

3. Lack of Blame
The person who doesn’t blame others is not defensive. They are able to reflect honestly on their own behavior and are willing to admit mistakes. When things go wrong, they don't spend time assigning blame; they spend time fixing the problem. A person who demonstrates the core quality of lack of blame:
• Admits fault when appropriate – even to customers
• Does not look for a scapegoat in a crisis
• Spends time fixing problems, not assigning them

4. Humility
Humility is a lack of pomposity and arrogance. It is the recognition that all persons are fallible, that we are all combinations of strengths and weaknesses. Each one of us who demonstrate humility, as someone has said, "don't think less of themselves; they just think more of others." Arrogance derails more leaders than any other factor. A person with the core quality of humility:
• Listens to others with an open mind
• Doesn't brag or name drop
• Clearly sees and admits their own limitations and failings
• Is not afraid to be vulnerable

5. Emotional Intelligence skill - Emotional Mastery
Persons’ who have developed emotional mastery recognize that, as Epictetus said 2000 years ago, "It's not the facts and events that upset man, but the view he takes of them." For those in positions of formal power, the most important aspect of emotional mastery may be controlling anger. Outbursts of anger have no spot in the workplace, and can quickly destroy a sense of organizational equity and partnership. A person with the core quality of emotional mastery:
• Says what he or she thinks, but never berates others
• Stays calm even in crisis situations
• Doesn't let anxiety interfere with public speaking or with other things that need to be done
• Reflects before reacting and is able to consciously choose an appropriate response

6. Responsibility
Responsibility is the acceptance of full responsibility for personal success and for the success of the chosen partner and kids.

7. Accountability
The person who is truly accountable expand their view of organizational responsibility. At all levels, accountable person do what they can to get done what needs to get done, no matter where in the organization they have to go. They NEVER say, "It's not my job." They also hold themselves accountable for making relationships work - they don't say, "Well, I'll go halfway if they will." They take 100% responsibility for making any relationship work. A person with the core quality of accountability:
• Takes the initiative to get things done
• Is not afraid to hold others accountable
• Is willing to cross departmental boundaries to help with a meaningful project
• Takes personal responsibility for organizational success

8. Emotional Intelligence skill - Self-Confidence
The person who is self-confident feels that they are the equal of others, even when those others are in positions of much greater formal power. The person who is self-confident also recognize the value of building the self-confidence of others and won't be threatened by doing so. Self-confidence in everyone builds a sense of partnership and helps the organization get maximum effort and ideas from everyone. A Persons’ with the core quality of self-confidence:
• Has a self assured bearing
• Is flexible and willing to change
• Easily gives others credit
• Isn't afraid to tell the truth

9. Emotional Intelligence skill - Courage
The person with courage is assertive and willing to take risks. They ask forgiveness rather than permission, and are willing to try even though they might fail. They are willing to risk conflict to have their ideas heard, balancing that with the respect that makes constructive conflict possible. A person with the core quality of courage:
• Champions new or unpopular ideas
• Talks to others, not about others, when there is a problem
• Accepts feedback and really hears what others say
• Takes the ball and runs with it, even when there are obstacles

10. Focus on the whole
The person that focuses on the whole think in terms of the good for the entire organization, not in terms of what's good for them, their team or their department. They can see interdependencies and can see beyond what is immediately observable. They have an understanding of and enthusiasm for the business and an understanding of their industry. For example, if working on a software project, they consider the implications of the whole project and commit to an outcome that works for the customer rather than focusing on just their piece of the project. A person who demonstrates the core quality of focusing on the whole:
• Realizes that they represent their company to customers
• Sees how the work in their area affects the entire project and the entire organization
• Gathers information from all stakeholders when making decisions
• Shares information throughout the company and understands the value of a knowledgeable workforce

I know that when we talk about the Character Development Model necessary for persons’ to influence the way they manage their personal development process, that these are very psychological soft skills we are talking about and as you can read from my different article, do I strongly believe that personal excellence is made, not born. That's why I actually wanted to create this Blog and Forum and I'm dedicated to helping you personally grow beyond where you are today. If you need help in better understanding and exploit your potential in order to turn you into action mode and help you break through self imposed limitations that are holding you back from the power, balance, growth, and success that you strive for. Let’s us talk about how I can help you explore how it is possible to build new levels of a character - helping you to remove the mental and emotional obstacles that are limiting your personal and professional growth, power and personal development.

If you are interested in a course that can strengthen this ability this could be an option:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email:
Regards your moderator


Sunday 16 March 2008

what is NLP and what can they do with NLP

I have a lot of people asking me: what is NLP and what can they do with NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)


The simple and short answer is: Programming the language of your brain!


Some might ask themselves what possible good that can be!? Even though the practical process is complex, the answer is simple: Outstanding results can be achieved by producing specific communication to and through the nervous system.


Which basically means that, NLP is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change!


It was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. The initial focus was pragmatic, modeling three successful psychotherapists, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Virginia Satir (Family Systems Therapy), and eventually Milton H. Erickson (Clinical Hypnosis), with the aim of discovering what made these individuals more successful than their peers.


Today the predominant patterns of NLP, the application of those patterns, and many variants of NLP are found in seminars, workshops, books and audio programs in the form of exercises and principles intended to influence change in self and others. Watch out when buying some of these offers, there is a great deal of difference between the depth and breadth of training and standards, and some disagreement between those in the field about which patterns are and are not "NLP".


I know this sound scary, however while the field of NLP is loosely spread and resistant to a single comprehensive definition, there are some common principles and presuppositions shared by its proponents. Perhaps most generally, NLP aims to increase behavioral choice by the manipulation of personal state, belief and internal representation either by a practitioner/trainer, or by self-application.


Some of the main ideas, many imported from existing counseling or psychotherapy practice, include:

·         Problems, desires, feelings, beliefs and outcomes are represented in visual, auditory and kinesthetic (and sometimes gustatory, olfactory) systems.

·         When communicating with someone, rather than just listening to and responding to what a person said, NLP aims to also respond to the structure of verbal communication and non-verbal cues.

·         Certain language patterns such as the meta model of NLP can help clarify what has been left out or distorted in communication, to specify thinking and outcomes, reframe beliefs, and set sensory specific goals. In contrast, the Milton model language patterns are intentionally non-specific and metaphoric to allow the listener to fill in the gaps and make their own meaning from what is being said and find their own inner resources and solutions for problems.

·         The actual state someone is in when setting a goal or choosing a course of action is also considered important. A number of techniques in NLP aim to enhance states by anchoring resourceful states associated with personal experience or model states by imitating others.


So the real question and conclusion a NLP coach or practitioner should come to is:

1.    How and what should you do to produce optimum results.

2.    How can you duplicate human excellence in a short period of time.



As already mentioned short, in NLP, modelling is the pathway to excellence. The very idea is that if you identify the traits and habits, and pay the price of time and effort of a successful athlete, friend, parent or businessman, you will become a successful athlete, friend, parent or businessman.


From business we all know that successful businesses man make money by determining what is successful in one city and duplicating it in another. Take a proven system and duplicate it, and maybe improve upon it. It might sound too simplistic for you, but there is scientific proof that, people who do this are virtually guaranteed success.


NLP in its very basics believe that the difference between those who succeed and those who fail isn't what they have – it is what they choose to see and do with their resources and experience of life. I guess this why it has become so prominent the last 30 years. For NLP is a tool to develop your own insights and strategies and help you change what you need.


This might sound very complex and difficult, but lets look at it a little more simplistic: you can teach a dog patterns that will improve his behaviour. From psychological as well as a behavioural science view, you can actually do the same with people (yourself). What is the message with that - as my brother who is a Doctor always puts it (and lives it): "seize excellence, and make it your own". Let's face it, isn't it true that building from the successes of others (seeing what works) is one of the fundamental aspects of most learning! Technology – every advance in technology is based on the foundation of earlier discoveries and breakthroughs.


Many have used the basics of NLP in their marketing and approaches, for example Anthony Robbins saw "success marketing" his self-help programs using infomercials. Personal Power, one of Robbins self-help audio programs launched in 1989 has sold in excess of US $100 million.Previously Robbins had published Unlimited Power, an a American best seller based largely on NLP. While Robbins incorporated some aspects of NLP in what he called Neuro Associative Conditioning and later programs, NLP was mentioned less often as he couldn't get a practical use across to people (besides the general messages)


This however doesn't change the fact that for many NLP and its basic principles are really a way of thinking, an epistemology — the study of knowledge — of how we know what we know. As an Engineer, I however have to say that in considering NLP as a science, it is important to recognize that the epistemology of NLP is more 'subjective' and 'systematically' oriented than many 'hard' sciences, which tend to be more 'objective' and 'deterministic'. That is the patterns explored and identified by NLP are often necessarily contextual and influenced by the perceptual filters of the observer. As a scientific approach, then, NLP tends to be more 'qualitative' than 'quantitative' and more 'structuralist' than 'materialistic.......but since this is deep psychological and mindset approach, it is argued that this is scientifically speaking valid.


In NLP, here are the 3 very basic and fundamental ingredients that must be duplicated to form any form of human excellence:

1. Belief System

2. Mental Syntax – organise thoughts, and understand how other people organise their thoughts. "Unlock the code"

3. Physiology – the way you breathe, hold your body, posture, your movements, determines what state you are in.


Now how this is done and put to everyday life, comes in slightly different versions of what coaches or practitioners consider to be the basic principles or presuppositions of NLP, but there is a fairly high degree of agreement on those most central to NLP. So here are some generalizations used as working guides (maybe it can help the one or the other).

·         Behind every behavior there is a positive intention. Even a seemingly negative thought or behavior has a positive function at some level or in some other context. (presupposition)

·         There is no failure, only feedback. (presupposition)

·         The meaning of the communication is the response it produces, not the intended communication. (presupposition)

·         One cannot not communicate: Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.

·         Choice is better than no choice. An idea from cybernetics that holds the most flexible element in a system will have the most influence or choice in that system.

·         People already have all the internal resources they need to succeed. (presupposition)

·         Multiple descriptions are better than one


Sorry for making this a long article, but this subject is deep and this is really just scratching the surface and in ending here is my very practical advice: Your behaviour and actions are a result of your state. The ancestor of every action is a thought......but this is nothing new, already in the teachings of Buddha, the Torah, the Qur'ān and in the Bible it is stated the same basic principle "beware of your thoughts, they are the gateway to your actions".


So, if one changes ones beliefs, one can achieve huge results. There is simply no power like the power of a resourceful state of mind, for the kind of behaviour people produce is the result of the state they are in. How they respond to the state they are in is based on their models of the world (there believe system). Most people take little conscious effort to direct their states. State change is what most people are after,when they want to change a behaviour.


Successful people know how to tap into their resourceful states. You can control the state you are in. You do not have to be at the mercy of whatever comes your way.

It has been analysed and proven that there were a few common traits expert communicators and successful people had  – whether top therapists, top executives or top salespeople – all seemed to share (study by Bandler and Grinder, 1979):

·         Everything they did in their work, was pro-active (rather than reactive), directed moment to moment by well-formed outcomes rather than formalized fixed beliefs

·         They were exceedingly flexible in approach and refused to be tied down to using their skills in any one fixed way of thinking or working.

·         They were extremely aware moment by moment, of the non-verbal feedback (unconscious communication and metaphor) they were getting, and responded to it - usually in kind rather than by analyzing it.

·         They enjoyed the challenges of difficult ("resistant") clients, seeing them as a chance to learn rather than an intractable "problem"

·         They respected the client as someone doing the best they knew how (rather than judging them as "broken" or "working")

·         They had certain common skills and things they were aware of and noticed, that were intuitively "wired in"

·         They worked with precision, purpose, and skill

·         They kept trying different approaches until they learned enough about the structure holding a problem in place to change it


They summarized their findings in the following ways:

 You need only three things to be an absolutely exquisite communicator and change to be successful. We have found that there are three major patterns in the behaviour of every therapeutic wizard we've talked to — and executives, and salespeople. The first one is to know what outcome you want. The second is that you need flexibility in your behaviour. You need to be able to generate lots and lots of different behaviours to find out what responses you get. The third is you need to have enough sensory experience to notice when you get the responses that you want [...] (Bandler and Grinder, 1979)


So let me end in saying, if you want something real practical to start to work with NLP, here is something you should start working with:

1.    Control your thoughts they become your dreams/visions and thereby directions

2.    Control your dreams/visions they become your actions

3.    Control your actions they become your habits

4.    Control your habits they become what you will be made of ...............your destiny


I strongly believe that excellence is made, not born. That's why I'm dedicated to helping you grow and master practice this difficult task.


Regards Mark von Rosing


Wednesday 12 March 2008

Finde deine eigene Kraft

Aus meiner 8-jährigen Erfahrung als Personal Development Trainer und Coach weiß ich, dass es von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren abhängig ist, welchen Weg die eigene persönliche Entwicklung nimmt. In bunter Mischung prägen die genetische Veranlagung, die Herkunft, Erfahrungen in der Kindheit, traumatische Erlebnisse, sozialer Status, Arbeitsumfeld, Umgebung, Glaube und zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen die Persönlichkeit. Dabei balanciert zu bleiben, die Leichtigkeit des Lebens zu erfahren und die eigene Persönlichkeit zur vollen eigenen Zufriedenheit zu entfalten, ist in der Tat ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Allzu oft machen einem die äußeren Umstände und die eigene Veranlagung einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Hat man Glück, geht man gestärkt aus einer schwierigen Situation hervor.


Manche Leute, mit denen ich arbeite, sind der Meinung, sie brauchen externe Hilfe, z.B. sie brauchen einen Heiler, um sich zu heilen…….sie sollten jedoch eher ihre eigene Kraft zum Heilen finden!

Daher möchte ich ein paar meiner Gedanken hier zum Ausdruck bringen:


Gehst Du zu externem Channeling und/oder medialen Durchsagen, solltest aber selbst hören lernen?


Betrügst Du Dich selbst, in dem Du einen Guru suchst, aber was Du in Wirklichkeit bräuchtest, ist Dein eigener Meister zu sein

Denn sonst suchst Du:

• innere Freiheit, kriegst aber nur Sehnsucht?

• nach innerer Kraft, kriegst aber nur Halt in der Not?

• nach innerer Wahrheiten, kriegst aber nur Weisheiten?

• nach Deiner innere Flamme, kriegst aber nur Licht?

• immer weiter und weiter nach innerer Liebe, aber es wird nur von Liebe gesprochen?

• nach Veränderung, solltest aber Deine Selbstheilung finden?

• nach Vorstellungen vom Leben, solltest aber Dich im Leben finden?

• nach lichtvollen und geistigen Momenten, solltest aber dein Licht und Deine Geistigkeit finden?



Es wird Zeit, dass Du keinen Selbstbetrug mehr machst, nicht mehr nach Rettung suchst, sondern Dich selbst findest und heilst.

Setze Dich endlich frei, in dem Du Deine eigene Kraft findest und Du Dein eigener Meister wirst.


Wie Du dies gut machen kannst?……. tja, wie gesagt, der Weg, den Deine eigene persönliche Entwicklung nehmen kann, ist von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren abhängig. Jedoch kann ich Dir ein paar grundlegende Tipps geben, eine harmonische Persönlichkeit zu werden und damit startet auch deine Reise, Dich selber zu finden:


• Zur Grundlage muss ich sagen: verstelle Dich nicht, bleibe authentisch, d.h. die Person, die Du wirklich bist. Selbstverstellung blockiert das Beziehungsmuster zu Dir selbst.

• Befreie Dich von Über-Ich-Strukturen (also alle dem, was Dir Deine Eltern, Erzieher, Lehrer usw. vorzugeben versuchten; vermeintliche Pflichten; Hin-und-her-Gerissen sein zwischen eigener Einstufung und dem, was vermeintlich Dein persönliches Umfeld von Dir verlangt) und denke selbst nach, was gut und böse, richtig oder falsch ist.

• Lasse Dich überraschen, wohin Dich Dein Bestreben nach Optimierung Deiner Persönlichkeit hinführt; jedoch kann ich nur sagen, vermeide ein stures Voranschreiten in eine bestimmte Richtung, gebe Dir selbst nicht schon vorweg Lösungen vor.

• Bedenke gute oder unliebsame Regungen Deiner Psyche oder Deines Körpers mit kindlichem Staunen; gute Regungen solltest Du festhalten, unliebsame dürfen nach ihrem Kommen auch gleich wieder gehen (dies ist wichtig, denn Dein Gefühlsleben bestimmt oft dein Handeln).

• Vermeide bezüglich zukünftigen Handlungen "gute Vorsätze"; konzentriere Dich stattdessen auf all jene Dinge, die Du wirklich gern, aus Liebe, aus Zuneigung, aus Sympathie machen willst.


Wie gesagt, sollen diese Tipps eine kleine Anregung sein, Dich selbst besser zu "finden“ und damit Deine eigene Persönlichkeit sehr bewusst zu pflegen ("Psychohygiene"). Es wird Zeit, dass Du nicht nur andere zufriedenstellen willst sondern Dich, indem Du nicht externe Hilfe suchst, keinen Selbstbetrug mehr machst, nicht mehr nach Rettung suchst von außen, sondern Dich selbst findest. Dies wird Dich mehr und mehr frei setzen und Du wirst Deine eigene Kraft finden.


Ich freue mich darüber Euch in diesem Prozess einige Denkanstöße zu geben mit den besten Grüße aus dem heiteren Copenhagen.


Euer Moderator Mark von Rosing