Friday, 15 February 2008

Things you do when you use Emotional Intelligence

Again and again I get asked from People around the world where they can use Emotional Intelligence and what most of the People don’t realize is that the most already use Emotional Intelligence in their daily life without realizing it.


Here are some of the things you do when you use knowingly or unknowingly Emotional Intelligence:

·         You become more familiar with your own and other people's emotions. You can name them correctly, attribute them to the right sources, and avoid acting upon them too quickly.

·         You can identify the way emotions are caused and understand the psychological factors beyond.

·         You manage your emotions and behavior to handle different situations in a better way.

·         You improve your self-regulation and cope with frustration in a smarter way to better reach your goals.

·         You take advantage of emotional intelligence in managing your work colleagues, team, friends or family in a motivating way.

·         You build a strong, flexible and highly effective team or family- motivated by the right culture.

·         You become good at triggering a decision – it goes faster, more effective and efficient.

·         You deal with objections in a positive way.

·         You inspire and motivate.

·         You encourage confidence and trust.

·         You enhance your conflict management skills (this is important in all matters of life).

·         You conduct better performance reviews (with yourself and others9.

·         You build more successfully relationships with other people.

·         You improve your empathy. Are able to better identify other people's emotions - and understand their feelings and the reasons behind.

·         You become better at listening to other people and become aware of what their feelings are – and where they come from. This will help you better identify the needs and wants of the people you try to lead.

·         You become better at solving problems in relationships - to connect better with others - and maintain good relationships with honest expression of emotions based on diplomacy, consideration and respect. This will, for example, help you do much better in negotiations and in handling objections – which is important in all areas of life.


While every one of us, can agree that the People who master this, are truly much more in balance, we all realize as well, that these are competences that need to be practiced. In this process, just remember that no one ever learned to swim or ride a bicycle by simply reading a book on the subject or having someone tell you all about it. You learn to swim or to ride the bicycle by doing it. First someone must explain what you should do and how you should do it. Then you need more instruction and help as you start to practice it. The more you practice, the better you get. The same type of process is what you need to go through in your development of this Emotional Intelligence competence - to make certain that you pick up the type of skills and competencies that you need in order to grow, change or even become a peak performer.


I strongly believe that excellence is made, not born. That's why I’m dedicated to helping you grow and master practice this difficult task.

Regards Mark


How can you take advantage of Emotional Intelligence in your Personal Development

There are several types of intelligence that human beings are equipped - with some more, with some less. Most people believe that the logical-mathematical type of intelligence (the IQ rating that many people focus on) has the most impact on whether you have success in life. That is absolutely wrong. If you want to do something that can really help you improve the quality of your life (in every way) - there is one thing that comes first: strengthen and cultivate your emotional intelligence as much as you possibly can.


Many people know that certain things they should do in a better way, but too often they don't know how - or do get started on the change process. We all work against some barriers that somehow keep us from doing what is best for us - and from realizing our true potential. My experience, from training and coaching more than 10.000 people in over 45 countries, substantiates that by adding emotional intelligence to your development plan, you can enable a remarkable change in your life. You will realize that skills, attitudes, and habits can be changed and or developed to better cope with the many different challenges in today's life.


How can you get started with Emotional Intelligence:
1. Start recognizing emotions - the ability to detect and decode emotions in faces, voices, movements, etc. - including the ability to identify one’s own emotions. Recognizing other people’s emotions presents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it facilitates all other aspects of emotional intelligence.
2. Start understanding emotions - the ability to comprehend emotion language and to grasp complicated connections between emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations in emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions progress over time.
3. Start using emotions - the ability to exploit emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can get the most out of his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task or challenge at hand.
4. Start managing emotions - the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent manager or executive can control emotions, even negative ones, and use them constructively to achieve his goals.

I know that what sounds so easy in theory is in real life so difficult. However, that does not change the importants of it, for if you really want to better understand and exploit your potential- strengthen and cultivate your emotional intelligence. You will start to turn yourself into action mode and help you break through self imposed limitations that are holding you back from the power, balance, growth, and success that you strive for (and that is within you). You will explore how it is possible to build new levels of self discipline, while you grow in strengthening and cultivating your emotional intelligence, overcome indecisiveness and uncertainty, and strengthen your confidence - helping you to remove the mental and emotional obstacles that are limiting your personal growth and power.


Emotional Intelligence is truly a road worth traveling and therefore I am committed in helping you travel this road.


Regards - Mark